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Almaty session of Kazakhstan Fashion Week shows completed

Almaty session of Kazakhstan Fashion Week shows completed

Алматинская сессия показов Kazakhstan Fashion Week завершила

The 30th season of the national fashion week Kazakhstan Fashion Week closes with shows in Almaty. For 2 days, 17 collections of domestic stamps were presented, as well as special guests from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Previously, KFW shows were held in Uralsk for the first time. More than 400 models took part in the castings of Kazakhstan Fashion Week. By the way, this is a special attention to men's fashion - several Kazakhstani and foreign brands of collections of different styles at once.

30 сезон национальной недели моды Kazakhstan Fashion Week завершился показами в Алматы. За 2 дня представлено 17 коллекций отечественных марок, а также специальных гостей из Таджикистана и Узбекистана. Ранее показы KFW впервые прошли в Уральске. В кастингах Kazakhstan Fashion Week приняли участие более 400 моделей. К слову, в этом сезоне особое внимание к мужской моде – сразу несколько казахстанских и зарубежных марок представляют коллекции разных стилей.

On June 7, the collections ARUNAZ, LARIYA SCHOOL, YANG LAIN were presented by the authors Adilya Botabayeva, SAMIDEL, Aida KaumeNOVA, Vays Asoev (Tajikistan), SHAKERBAY, Alexey Chzhen.

7 июня представлены коллекции ARUNAZ, LARIYA SCHOOL, YANG LAIN by Adilya Botabayeva, SAMIDEL, Aida KaumeNOVA, Vays Asoev (Tajikistan), SHAKERBAY, Alexey Chzhen.

On the second day, MAT designers Anar Maksut, IssA Dilnaz Isabekova, Syzdyk Gulbakhram Syzdykova, JUSAN Nurdaulet Beketaev, FORTE Adilya Botabaeva, DUSE Aizhan Seyitkazy, DUSE Aizhan Seyitkazy, SUHROB HABIB were presented.

Во второй день были представлены дизайнеры MAT by Anar Maksut, IssA by Dilnaz Issabekova, Syzdyk by Gulbakhram Syzdykova, JUSAN by Nurdaulet Beketayev, FORTE by Adilya Botabayeva, DUSE by Aizhan Seiitkazy, DUSE by Aizhan Seiitkazy, SUHROB HABIB. 

Photocredit – KFW 

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